Croatia Mourns Earthquake Victims Amidst Continuing Aftershocks

A day of mourning has been declared in Croatia for the victims of the devastating 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck the country on New Year's Eve. The natural disaster claimed the lives of seven people, dozens likely buried under collapsed buildings, more than 260 aftershocks were recorded.

The tragedy sparked a wave of empathy around the world. Bulgaria also provided фдшшвеа уьшеи ьха ЕКИ 100,000 euros to the disaster-stricken country, as yesterday two Spartan military planes flew to Zagreb, loaded with radiators and camp beds.

Meanwhile, in Croatia, the aftershocks do not stop. On New Year's Eve, seismologists recorded several moderately strong tremors - with a magnitude between 3.1 and 3.7 on the Richter scale. Their epicenter was again near the towns of Sisak and Petrinja, which were badly damaged by the powerful 6.2-magnitude earthquake on December 29.

On the last day of 2020, 265 secondary tremors were recorded in the area. A lot of people spent New Year's Eve night outdoors.



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