Bulgaria: What are the Priorities of a Cabinet with Prime Minister Asen Vassilev

In a traditional for "We Continue the Change" style, final talks with coalition partners on the governance program for the next six months were being held late last night. Securing parliamentary support has not yet been achieved, however, and despite numerous rumors about changes in the composition of the new cabinet - this time headed by Asen Vassilev, personal changes and the structure of the government are sidelined as issues. What did yesterday look like, and does the new one begin with optimism for the formation of a new cabinet?

Two tariffs for electricity, water and heating for domestic consumers, an increase in pension supplements and 95% payment by the Health Fund of medicines for children up to 14 years of age for acute illnesses. These are only part of the priorities in the management program with which the cabinet led by Asen Vasilev intends to govern the country until the end of the year. However, a large part of the measures will be introduced with next year's budget.

By July 22, there must be a new Speaker of the National Assembly and changes in the rules and composition of the standing committees in the Parliament, and by the end of July - the issue with the Anti-Corruption Commission should be resolved. In total, there are 74 priority legislative changes by the end of the year.

The measures that the Bulgarian Socialist Party has been pushing for, namely free medicines for children (in this case under 14 and with acute illnesses) and free textbooks for students from grades 1 to 12, should come into force along with Budget 2023. The same applies to the continuation of the reform of the pension system and the increase of the pension supplement - ​​from 26.5 to 30%.

The formulas for automatic calculation of the minimum and...

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