Cards near 40% of spending

The value of transactions made with plastic money in Greece last year came to 54 billion euros, an amount representing 38.5% of total consumer spending, which reached €130 billion in the same period.

As Cardlink CEO Antigonos Papadopoulos noted in his presentation at the Digital Banking Forum organized by Ethos Events, the evolution of card payments confirms that the growth of digital transactions is no longer driven by extraordinary circumstances like the pandemic, but has become part of everyday consumer behavior.

Of the total of €54 billion, some €44.7 billion concerned cards issued by Greek banks, while consumer spending with cards issued by foreign banks and made in this country by foreign nationals, mainly tourists, came to €9.3 billion. In terms of volume, transactions have increased from 1 billion in 2019 to 1.8 billion in 2022.

This trend this year,...

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