ISAP’s various types of delays

Train delays are a thorn for many passengers, with operating company STASY installing four old first-generation metro trains (from Lines 2 and 3) in order to increase the transport work and save time. Yet these cannot solve the problem, and don't have air conditioning.

Overshadowed by Lines 2 and 3 of the Athens metro and their extensions, Line 1 (known as ISAP, or "Ilektrikos"), which launched operations in 1869 and connects Kifissia with Piraeus, is still waiting to enter the 21st century.

Damage to the electromechanical equipment, low performance or even nonexistent air conditioning, an insufficient number of trains, vandalism, indelible graffiti, rotten floors: These are some of the problems that historic ISAP still suffers from, as do the passengers who travel on it.

"Every day we have three or four breakdowns," says the company's management, claiming that Line 1 should have had at least 24 trains available but due to breakdowns the number of those available changes daily. At peak times 19 trains are needed, with the trains that entered service between 1983-1985 showing major problems.

Train delays are also a "thorn" for...

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