Platform for whistleblowers

A bonus of up to 3,000 euros is promised to taxpayers who identify tax dodgers by scanning receipts through the "appodixi" cellphone app and discovering that it is either not genuine or has not been forwarded to the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE).

The relevant provision with incentives for taxpayers is to be added to the draft law to curb tax evasion that will be presented on Tuesday to the cabinet. 

According to AADE data, over 235,000 citizens have already downloaded the app, a number expected to increase with the establishment of the "bonus." Since the day it was activated, 135,000 complaints have been submitted, of which 75,000 were anonymous and 60,000 were provided with the senders name.

However, in addition to the above application, the National Economy and Finance Ministry and AADE on Monday presented another platform for "citizen...

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