Electoral court postpones ruling on far-right Spartiates party

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Greece's electoral court has decided to postpone its ruling on the far-right Spartiates (Spartans) party until after the completion of the criminal trial involving some of its representatives. 

All but one of the 12 MPs elected for the party have been charged by a Supreme Court prosecutor with deceiving voters. They are accused of using the Spartiates party as a front for jailed former Golden Dawn deputy leader Ilias Kasidiaris.

The criminal trial will commence on June 19. Upon its completion, the electoral court will decide if the MPs can keep their parliamentary seats or if their seats will be distributed to the other parties. 

Based on those charges, in April the Supreme Court decided to exclude the Spartiates from the upcoming European elections. 

In the June 2023 elections, the Spartiates party secured 4.68 percent of the vote, electing 12 MPs. The...

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