Athens awaits next move by Skopje

[InTime News]

Athens will wait for the government of North Macedonia to be sworn in before deciding on the course of action it will take if Skopje insists on not abiding by the Prespa Agreement, Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis stressed on Monday.

"Greece is strictly monitoring the observance of the agreements. The government of North Macedonia has not yet been sworn in, so we will await developments," he stated, following a meeting with his visiting Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry.

He added that for the time being "there is no intention to activate any infringement procedure."

"These issues will be assessed by the Greek diplomacy, as well as, of course, by the EU in the context of the accession process of North Macedonia," Gerapetritis noted.

Earlier, he told talk radio 98.9 that the Prespa Agreement "is an international treaty, which has been ratified, is not...

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