

Eurostat: Greece ranks third in number of radio stations in EU

Greece has the third highest number of radio stations in the EU, after Spain and Italy, data from the EU's statistical arm Eurostat has shown.

According to the figures, released to mark World Radio Day, Spain, with 714 stations, Italy (679), Greece (599), France (343) and Portugal (299) held the top five spots in 2022 in terms of the number of radio stations.

Romania And Bulgaria Boast EU's Most Affordable Consumer Prices For 2022

In the year 2022, Romania and Bulgaria emerged with the lowest consumer prices for goods and services within the European Union (EU), showcasing a remarkable 41% below the EU average, according to data released by the National Statistical Institute of Romania on Friday.

Survey: Athens Europe’s worst city for remote working

Greek social media is up in arms after a Forbes Magazine article ranked Athens as the worst European city for remote working. The article was based on a survey by a British technology services company, Brother UK, which looked at which are the best and worst cities for remote working in Europe.

The European Commission initiated proceedings against Croatia

The reason for initiating the procedure is because they did not transfer all the provisions of the directive on seasonal workers in a completely correct way. The aim of this directive is to ensure fair and transparent rules for the admission of seasonal workers from third countries to the EU.
