

Grain corridor should be revived, Turkish top diplomat says

Türkiye has underscored the importance of the resurrection of the grain corridor through the Black Sea so that Russian and Ukrainian food products can be safely and uninterruptedly transported to the world markets ahead of next week's visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Türkiye.

Kurdish Fighters Killed In An Attack On The Largest US Base In Syria

The attack on the largest US military base in Syria has resulted in the deaths of at least six Kurdish fighters. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a key ally of the United States in the fight against jihadism, issued a statement attributing the attack to "mercenaries of the regime" of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Turkey, a year after the life-changing earthquakes

HATAY, Turkey - "It felt like the world was turning upside down. Telling the story is not the same as experiencing it." Sixty-one-year-old Kanraman Karat vividly remembers this night last year when the earth shook violently in the middle of his slumbers, taking tens of thousands of lives and destroying hundreds of thousands of properties.
