United States Army Special Forces

Coup defeater commander reshuffled to Army Corps

The Special Forces Commander Lieutenant Gen. Zekai Aksakallı, who commanded anti-coup forces during the July 15 attempt and the Operation Euphrates Shield in Syria, was reshuffled to command the Second Army Corps in the western region of Gelibolu.

The appointments that had not come into effect with the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) were announced in the Official Gazette on Aug. 19.

Major PKK attack plan foiled by Adana police

Police have foiled a major attack by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) that had been planned to hit the Turkish capital Ankara.

The police carried out a raid and seized a massive amount of ammonium nitrate from an address in the Çukurova district of the southern province of Adana on Aug. 11, Doğan News Agency reported on Aug. 15.

Police foil massive PKK attack planned in Turkish capital Ankara

Police have foiled a major attack by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) that had been planned to hit the Turkish capital Ankara.

The police carried out a raid and seized a massive amount of ammonium nitrate from an address in the Çukurova district of the southern province of Adana on Aug. 11, Doğan News Agency reported on Aug. 15.

Article by Erdogan on the English edition of the Daily Sabah on the anniversary of the failed coup

The President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wrote another article in English after the one published by the British newspaper The Guardian. This fact alone indicates that he is making an effort to send a series of messages to the West.

Ömer Halisdemir's family registers his name

Chief Sergeant Ömer Halisdemir took an order over the phone on the night of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt from Special Forces Commander Zekai Aksakallı: "I am giving you a historic duty in the name of our country and nation. Brigadier General Terzi is a traitor, an insurgent. Kill him before he enters the headquarters. There is martyrdom at the end of this. Give your blessing."

Name of heroic Turkish soldier who resisted coup attempt patented

The Turkish Patent Institute has patented the name of Ömer Halisdemir, a non-commissioned Turkish officer who was killed during last year's coup attempt after resisting a raid by Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ)-linked soldiers at the Special Forces Command in Ankara.
