Nebojša Stefanović
Stefanovic: Crime rate in Belgrade drops by 20 percent
KRUSEVAC - Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs Nebojsa Stefanovic stated on Saturday that the crime rate in Belgrade dropped in the first five months of the year by over 20 percent compared to the same period in 2013.
He also said that the security situation in Serbia is good.
Stefanovic: No criminal should feel safe
BELGRADE - The government intends to ensure that no criminal can feel safe in the country, Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said as the Gendarmerie celebrated its day on Friday.
"We must break the back of organised crime in this country," Stefanovic said at a ceremony hosted by the 2nd Gendarmerie Squad in Rakovica, Belgrade.
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Serbia May Probe Future State Officials' Diplomas
The Education Ministry’s Centre for Checking Diplomas will be given powers to verify all new state officials’ diplomas under the planned legislative changes, BIRN has learned from a ministry source.
"The idea is that the Centre prevents people with fake diplomas from working in state institutions in the future," the source said.
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Prime minister meets with members of Gendarmerie
BELGRADE - Serbia's Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met with members of the Gendarmerie on Thursday to mark the unit's day, and discussed the issues they face while performing their everyday duties, problems with accommodation in ways of finding a better location for the unit's headquarters in Belgrade.
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Continuous improvement in response in anti-drug fight needed
BELGRADE -Psychoactive substance abuse is a major social problem in Serbia, so the state needs to work continuously on improving the response in the fight against that plague, reads a message from the closing conference of the EU twinning project titled “Implementation of Strategy for Fight against Drugs - Supply and Demand Reduction Components”.
Kurir: Website attacked by hackers again
BELGRADE - The website of the Belgrade-based daily Kurir has been attacked by hackers again, the daily reported on Thursday, urging the state bodies to ensure conditions for normal work so that it can inform the public timely and freely.
“This blow to the Kurir website is far more stronger than the one two days ago. This attack has jeopardized several other websites,” Kurir notes.
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Stefanovic: Key attack on Kurir website came from Croatia
BELGRADE - The website of the Serbian daily Kurir was brought down due to the key attack which came from Croatia, and the Serbian police are cooperating with its colleagues so as to determine who is behind the attack, Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has said.
The daily Kurir reported to the Interior Ministry several attacks on the website committed on June 23-24.
Investigation into Kosmajac's connections and property
BELGRADE - A police working group will investigate everything related to the origins of Dragan Kosmajac's property, but also the suspicions of him working with some police officials.
Stefanovic: Police know all facts
BELGRADE - Serbia's Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic commented on Sunday on media reports that Dragoslav Kosmajac, who the media have linked with narcotics trafficking, had left the country by saying that the police had all the facts.
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Motion to protect academic honour in Serbia
BELGRADE - Over 1,800 scientists and university staff from Serbia and abroad backed the motion to protect academic honour in Serbia which has been submitted to the Ministry of Education, National Council for Higher Education, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Conference of the Universities of Serbia and the Commission for scientific titles.
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