
Donations from abroad exempt from VAT and customs duties

BELGRADE - All foreign donations sent to flood-threatened regions in Serbia are exempt from payment of customs duties and VAT, and this also applies to donations through mobile phones distributed via all operators, as stipulated by the Law on Donations and Humanitarian Aid, the Serbian Ministry of Finance said in a release Tuesday.

Food from strategic reserve to be delivered to flood victims

BELGRADE - The Serbian government has ordered the national directorate for the strategic reserves to give out 30 t of canned food, 50 t of flour and 5 t of powdered milk as aid for flood victims.

The Sector for Emergency Situations will distribute this aid in coordination with the Red Cross and local governments, the government office for media relations has stated.

Humanitarian aid arriving from countries, organizations

Humanitarian aid arriving from countries, organizations

BELGRADE -- The Serbian Interior Ministry said on Tuesday that relief aid for flood victims is expected to arrive from Japan, and the OSCE.

In addition to assistance coming in daily from all parts of the world, Danish, Slovak and German water pump teams should arrive later in the day.
