Borut Pahor

Mladina says coalition should take initiative

Ljubljana – The latest Mladina editorial says Janšism is the main problem of Slovenian society and of any government that tries to oppose it, adding that PM Robert Golob does not have a single political heavyweight by his side who has already fought political battles with his predecessor Janez Janša. The coalition should take initiative, it notes.

Jana Ahčin becomes first woman president of Court of Audit

Ljubljana – Jana Ahčin, a former director of the Financial Administration (FURS), was appointed Court of Audit president in a secret vote in the National Assembly on Friday in which she received 60 votes. She will take over for nine years as the court’s first woman president, replacing Tomaž Vesel, whose term expired at the end of May.

Marta Kos Freedom Movement’s candidate for president

Ljubljana – Marta Kos, vice-president of the Freedom Movement, has officially announced her bid for the presidency of the republic. She will run as her party’s candidate, while the other two coalition parties said following her announcement on Tuesday that they would likely run with candidates of their own.

Govt rating at 53% in POP TV poll

Ljubljana – The first monthly approval rating of the Robert Golob government stands at 53.1%, about eight points higher than the rating the Janez Janša government had right after it took office, according to a poll run by POP TV.

Almost a third of respondents, 31.6%, oppose the current government, whereas just over 15% are undecided.

Pahor says new government could have long-term prospects

Ljubljana – In an interview with the public broadcaster, President Borut Pahor has talked about the international circumstances, noting that the government is in for deliberation about how to remain an ally in helping Ukraine, while wisely “regulating sanctions so that we can help ourselves”. He also spoke about the long-term prospects of the new cabinet.

Slovenia receiving many congratulations on Statehood Day

Ljubljana – Slovenia is receiving congratulations from many world leaders on Statehood Day, with President Borut Pahor having received messages from Queen Elizabeth II, US President Joe Biden, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and French President Emmanuel Macron, among others.

President decorates five musicians

Ljubljana – President Borut Pahor awarded five Slovenian musicians with honours at a ceremony held in the Presidential Palace on Thursday. The Order of Merit was awarded to Miha Dovžan, Vlado Kreslin, Vladimir Lado Leskovar, Oto Pestner and Andrej Šifrer, the president’s office said.
