Bosnian War

Besieged: German Photographer’s Pictures Show Srebrenica Before the Genocide

In August 1995, German photographer Phillip von Recklinghausen returned to Srebrenica, where he had photographed people during the siege of the enclave by Bosnian Serb forces a couple of years earlier.

He tried to find people whose pictures he had taken back in 1993, but couldn't.

50 Genocide Victims to be Buried at Srebrenica Commemoration

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Missing Persons Institute said that 50 genocide victims will be laid to rest at a collective funeral at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre on July 11, the day of the anniversary commemoration of the mass killings in 1995.

Saha Bumbulovic said that her father Adil Selimovic, who was killed on July 13, 1995 at the age of 59, will be among those who will be buried.

Nationalists to Show Film Praising Serb Forces on Srebrenica Anniversary

Nationalist organisation Eastern Alternative said it will screen a film about the "liberation of Srebrenica" by Bosnian Serb forces in July 1995, a documentary including a speech by war criminal Ratko Mladic, in Srebrenica on July 11, the same day as the 27th anniversary of the genocide of Bosniaks will be commemorated nearby.

Serbian Ministry to Probe Playing of Anti-Bosniak Song in School

Serbian Education Ministry said on Thursday evening that it will carry out a review at the at the Vasa Stajic School in the northern city of Novi Sad and that "the provincial inspection will take action" to find out who was responsible after children aged 10 and 11 and a teacher were filmed dancing to an anti-Bosniak song.

Children’s Wartime Deaths Commemorated in Sarajevo

The Forgotten Children of War association and a group of young Bosnian women laid flowers on Tuesday in tribute to children killed during the 1992-95 war in Sarajevo and in the neighbouring city of East Sarajevo.

They also displayed placards spelling out the words: "They were just children. Together we can build bridges for the future."

Photo: Forgotten Children of War.

Bosniak Fighters’ Convictions for Crimes Against Serbs Upheld

The appeals chamber of the Bosnian state court on Friday confirmed a first-instance verdict sentencing Senad Dzananovic to 11 years in prison and Edin Gadzo to five years for crimes against Serb civilians in the Alipasino Polje neighbourhood of Sarajevo.

The court said that the defendants' appeals had been rejected as "unfounded".

Refugee Bombing Case Highlights Serbia and Croatia’s Enduring Antagonism

The man identified in court in The Hague as Witness 56 was a Serb policeman in the Croatian town of Knin between May 1994 and August 5, 1995. That was the date when he left the country, along with around 200,000 other Serbs, as the Croatian Army crushed Serb rebel forces during Operation Storm.
