BSP Discuss Election Date, Favour September

Photo by BGNES

The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) is holding a plenum on Tuesday to agree on the future of the cabinet and the date of the early elections.

The party members will analyze the reasons for the unsatisfying results of the May 25 European elections, but it is unlikely that a change in the leadership structures will occur.

Sergey Stanishev, the leader of BSP, will present his analysis on the political situation in the country, around which the meeting will focus. Stanishev's future remains unclear yet, as he was elected in the European Parliament, but later gave contradictory statements about his plans. Some suggested he may be nominated for European Commissioner or Foreign Policy Chief.

According to most Bulgarian media sources, BSP prefers an earlier date for parliamentary elections, with September 28 the most viable option. Their coalition partner, the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) are more inclined for elections the following year.

One of the main issues is who will draft the new state budget. During his speech for announcing the likelihood of early elections, Stanishev pointed out that it would make most sense for the new government to form its own budget. This is also the main reason BSP favours an earlier election date.

The official date will have to be set by the president Rosen Plevneliev.

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