Stork Steals Bra, His Mate Leaves Him

Photo: BGNES

A stork brought a bra to his nest in Simitli and his mate left him, reports the BGNES agency. 

According to the report, the bra – large size, white and somewhat dirty, has been dangling from the nest since the spring, when the male stork brought it to repair the nest. 

Currently the male stork is alone in the nest, as his mate has left him. Local residents say that all nine eggs she laid, fell off the nest. “This is what happens when he didn't take good care of the eggs,” locals comment. 

“Now the stork sits alone in the nest atop the power pole, clatters with his beak and grooms himself, trying to attract another female, while the wind blows about the bra,” reports BGNES. “Last year the stork family was happy and united, but this year the bra ruined everything.”

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