President RT Erdoğan: A portrait (II)

Erdoğan proudly carries the title of being the first ever prime minister across the world that slapped a citizen and won an apology from the man who, later, publicly said: “But of course we deserve to be slapped, Honorable Prime Minister!”

Political analysts and international human rights watchdogs agreed that the man had deserved to be slapped for protesting the deaths of 301 miners, including his relatives, despite reports from different government departments that had examined safety conditions at the mine and cleared it shortly before the accident.

Erdoğan relieved the relatives of the dead miners by saying “such accidents are in the nature of mining,” and won much praise as well as millions of hearts at home and abroad.

The few protesters were found to be either linked with dangerous terrorist organizations or unaware of Turkey’s impressive safety standards: According to international labor statistics, Turkey is still the world’s number three in workplace fatalities, not number one (although it tops the ranking in Europe, and Turkish coalmines are six times more dangerous than the Chinese).

Erdoğan launched the country’s most strategic ever social reform program when he declared his political ambition was about raising devout generations. The Turks cheerfully embraced the campaign, so happy to know their children and grandchildren would no longer be drug addicts which, according to Erdoğan, were the only alternative to being devout. To this day the Turks remain grateful.

Erdoğan successfully awakened the non-Muslim world by dismantling archaic prejudices about Muslims when he declared, in different statements, that: “Muslims never lie,” “Muslims never...

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