Photo credit: (c) Mihai POZIUMSCHI / AGERPRES PHOTO

Prime Minister Victor Ponta has stated, on Thursday, that Romania's role is to be a "regional actor, an exporter of security and stability and, at the same time, a participant in the projects that mean more than solving concrete crises".

"Romania has a period of time in which it must meet these strategic objectives. We always work better when we have a clear point in sight. And, in 2018, the modern Romanian state will celebrate 100 years since its formation, in 2019 Romania will hold the rotational Presidency of the European Union. So I believe, that in the next 4-5 years (...), Romania must be an example of success in what regards European and Transatlantic integration", emphasized the head of the Executive, in the opening of the 3rd edition of the Bucharest Forum 2014 focusing on the topic "Unlocking the potential of Eurasia. Strategic decisions on the New Silk Road", an event organised on Thursday by the Aspen Institute of Romania, the German Marshall Fund of the US, the Government of Romania and the National Bank of Romania. According to him, the role that Romania played and is playing, that of keeping in sight both its traditional partners in Eastern Europe and the United States and the potential partners in the Far East, is an extremely important one.


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