Anti-capitalist concept and AK Party

Poet and thinker Nuri Pakdil, while he was receiving an award from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said, “Dear friends, I salute you with all my anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist and anti-pharaohist feelings.”

Of course everybody can have their own “anti” list. What struck my attention was that President Erdoğan also repeated this sentence containing “anti-capitalism” in it and approved it. The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and anti-capitalism; very interesting, isn’t it?

Islamist Pakdil is a much respected, top notch figure in the literary circle. I also respect and read him. In Pakdil’s literary art, rebellion is important, thus, his expressing his feelings with such an “anti” list. One may ask what the philosophic content of the “rebellion” concept is against an Islamic political authority.
In my world view, important concepts are reform, law and practical rationalism concepts not rebellion, revolution, rising, radicalism concepts.

Capitalism should definitely be criticized but what does anti-capitalism mean?

But which capitalism?

I personally do not like the concept of anti-capitalism because it is a vague concept that could easily contain opposition to market economy. There are several types of capitalism. There are significant differences present between the market economy that prioritizes saving and production that creates miracles in the Far East and the market economy prioritizing consumption that the AK Party practices.

In an iftar (fast-breaking) dinner Erdoğan attended on June 29, he expressed his priority for consumption with these words: “There should be consumption so that there will be production.” It is an indicator of this that our...

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