INS: More than half of Romania's households have Internet access; most connections in urban areas


More than half of Romania's households have home access to the Internet, with over 70 percent of them being in the urban areas, according to a 2014 statistical research of the population's access to information and communications technology released on Friday by the National Statistics Institute (INS).

As many as 84.7 percent of the households use personal computers to access the Internet at home, while portable devices (laptops, netbooks, tablets) are used by one in three households. Other devices, such as mobile telephones and smartphones, are used for the same purpose to a lesser percentage, just 20 percent.

As many as 88.2 percent of the connections used to access the Internet are fixed broadband connections, while 24.5 percent of them are mobile broadband and 9.1 narrowband.

Data with the INS also show that more than half of Romania's households (54.4 percent) have home access to Internet and 70.9 percent of them are in urban areas. AGERPRES

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