Elections will not produce clear winner, says Venizelos

Deputy Prime Minister and PASOK chief Evangelos Venizelos arrives at a meeting of the party's executive committee at a hotel in central Athens on Tuesday evening.

Deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos said on Tuesday that he didn’t believe any party will be able to win an outright majority in the January 25 elections and that a unity government should be formed.

Venizelos told his party’s executive committee that “pro-European democratic forces” would have to come together after the snap polls to form Greece’s next government. “It is clear that there will be no clear majority,” he said before setting out six points, including maintaining primary surpluses and reforming the electoral system, around which parties could converge.

Venizelos also appeared to distance himself from the more aggressive line taken by New Democracy, which has focused on the risks of SYRIZA coming to power. “I do not believe in the strategy of fear,” said the PASOK leader, who also raised doubts about the impact that centrist To Potami could have. He likened the fledgling party to former coalition partner Democratic Left, which has seen its fortunes fade this year.

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