Omar Faruk Tekbilek & Friends | Athens | June 8

Turkish musician and composer Omar Faruk Tekbilek performs at the Vrachon Theater in Vyronas on Wednesday, June 8. Joining Tekbilek on stage are artists Evanthia Reboutsika, Petro-Loukas Chalkias, Haig Yazdjian, Melina Kana and Fotis Theodoridis. The concert is set to start at 9 p.m. Tickets, which cost 20 to 30 euros (15 reduced), can be purchased at Public, Papasotiriou, Seven Spots, Ianos and Media Markt, online at, and, and by calling 11876 and 210.921.3310.

Melina Mercouri Vrachon Theater, Vyronas, tel 210.762.6438

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