Detentions sought for over 160 employees at Istanbul courthouses, jails

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The Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has issued warrants for 87 judiciary employees registered at three courthouses in the city along with 75 employees working at a number of jails as part of its probe into the Gülenist organization, which is accused of being behind the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey. 

Prosecutors moved to detain 87 public employees at the Çağlayan, Gaziosmanpaşa and Büyükçekmece courthouses early on Sept. 30 and initiated raids on legal institutions in Istanbul and 23 provinces, as the employees were reportedly set to be assigned to courthouses in 23 provinces.   

It also sought to detain 75 prison employees at the Silivri, Metris and Bakırköy jails and Anatolia and Bakırköy Probation Chief Bureaus. 

The suspects are charged with "acting in line of the organization's aims and actions," "using the ByLock app," "making financial transactions to now-closed Bank Asya accounts," "taking an active role in the organization's finances" and "engaging in misconduct in the entrances to civil servant positions." 

The detention warrants were the latest in a series of round-ups conducted at Istanbul's jurisdiction institutions during which 293 have been detained and 50 arrested previously.Istanbul welcomes third bridge over BosphorusLife in Jarablus after liberation from ISIL through the lens of Hürriyet reporter Selçuk ŞamiloğluGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior traverses Istanbul's BosphorusHalfeti - A town of mesmerizing beautyExhibition shows Istanbul through eyes of children Secret weapons of Turkish army: locally produced rocket launchers, missile systemsThe bugs of Ankara: The weirdest scenes that anyone can run into in Turkish capitalA bird's eye view tour of Turkey's eastern provinces of Van and HakkariTurkish man...

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