Polish Government Not To Support Anti-Abortion Draft Bill

A representative of the conservative government in Warsaw has announced that the mass protests of women against the full ban on abortion have influenced the ruling majority and they will not support the draft bill, reported NewEurope.

Science and Higher Education Minister Jaroslaw Gowin stated that the demonstrations of women have taught the government "humility" and, due to this, "there will not be a full ban on abortion". The draft bill was submitted by a religious organisation.

There were mass protests against the draft bill in Poland and other European countries on Monday. The draft bill, which was approved at first reading by the Sejm, bans abortion under all circumstances, including medical conditions, rape and incest.

The bill envisages legal penalties for both doctors and women. Still, the current law on abortion is one of the most conservative and bans voluntary abortions.

This is why "abortion tourism" is very developed in Poland and many Polish women visit Germany and the Czech Republic.

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