The high price of illusions

This is a country where passions often run high and people believe in easy solutions. It's time we realized that there's no such thing as a free lunch, whether in economic or geopolitical matters. No one holds a wand that will magically revive the economy and lead the country out of the values crisis it is immersed in. Unfortunately, nor can we look to some protector or white knight who will rush to our side if, God forbid, a crisis breaks out with Turkey.

Illusions are always damaging. We experienced this in SYRIZA's early immature period. Regulars on morning TV shows persuaded Greeks that solutions for the country would arise beyond Europe's borders, that money would come from Moscow or Beijing. It turned out that these were tragic, unfounded illusions. Recent revelations show that the game is too complex and far too big for the abilities of our very own protagonists.

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