Bulgaria's DiVino.Taste - 2016 To Present 500 Wines


The sixth edition of the wine forum DiVino.Taste - 2016 will take place between November 18 - 20 at the National Palace of Culture (NDK), announced the organiser of the event Emil Koralov.

Regretfully, Bulgarian wine is not performing very well on foreign markets at present and it needs very serious support on the part of the state, added Koralov

"Wine is such a product that it cannot generate by itself such proceeds as needed for advertisement in order to take over these markets. This is a long, very expensive and labour-intensive process and unless there is strong state support like in other countries, this simply will not happen."

Besides wine tasting, the forum will host master classes, seminars, lectures and presentations. Leading wine experts from all over the world have been invited to the event.

The idea of the organisers is for DiVino.Taste - 2016 to become an annual forum for popularising quality Bulgarian wine and wine production not only in the country but abroad as well.

This is a record year, commented Koralov. 72 different wineries will participate in 2016. Each has the right to exhibit up to 7 wines.

About 500 different wines will be presented this year.

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