PM Dancila on EP's resolution critical of Romania: It is a profoundly incorrect political resolution

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has said that the resolution adopted on Tuesday by the European Parliament on the rule of law in Romania is "political" and "profoundly incorrect."

"Definitely it is a political resolution, it is profoundly incorrect and at least at some points is groundless, while at others it does not even refer to Romania. In fact, this resolution is the expression of the electoral interests of the big European political groups - the people's party, who are the majority and the social democrats," Dancila told Antena 3 private broadcaster on Tuesday evening.

She offered some arguments in support of her statements. "The amendments of explicit condemnation of the protocols between the secret services and the judiciary were rejected, as such protocols would be common in the European Union, when they are in reality unacceptable. Then it is hard to understand the criticism levelled at the Romanian Gendarmerie, given that the intervention of the law enforcement forces in the other EU member states is perfectly identical to that of the Romanian gendarmes," Dancila said.

The prime minister added, regarding the vote in the EP, that "it is absolutely regrettable that Romanian MEPs voted against Romania."

"There are some limits that no good Romanian should ever exceed and under no circumstances. A good Romanian never votes against his own country, regardless of the context, irrespective of the political war, no matter how many electoral benefits he would get by that. It is sad to see Romanians pitted against Romania, as we have seen in the case of this resolution," Dancila said.

On Tuesday, the European Parliament adopted a non-legislative resolution on the rule of law in Romania, 473 to 151 and 40 abstentions, a text that says MEPs are deeply concerned with the reform of the judiciary and criminal law in Romania and condemn the violent and disproportionate intervention of the police forces during August protests in Bucharest. AGERPRES (RO- author: Daniel Florea, editor: Antonia Nita; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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