Double standards feed populism

"I am ashamed to face my colleagues," said the cleaner who was sentenced to 10 years in jail for forging an elementary school certificate to get a job at a publicly funded nursery in Volos, central Greece. The court ruling has provoked an uproar in the country. Many people have expressed their solidarity with the 53-year-old woman, the country's Supreme Court prosecutor is re-examining the lower court's decision, and the minister of justice visited the Thiva jail where she is being detained. It seems we're in for a partial rectification of injustice.

Meanwhile, a judicial official who forged a law certificate was acquitted of charges a few months ago. She justified her act saying that she used to feel inferior in front of her colleagues.
About 2,000 civil servants had been recruited on the basis of bogus certificates and university degrees, according to a survey...

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