Anniversary of Kosovo Serb Politician’s Murder Commemorated

Four events were held on Thursday to mark the second anniversary of the killing of Oliver Ivanovic, who was gunned down outside his political party's office in the north of the divided town of Mitrovica on January 16, 2018.

Representatives of Srpska Lista, the main, Belgrade-backed Serb political party in Kosovo, which was a rival of Ivanovic's party, held a commemoration at the scene of his murder on Thursday morning.

This delegation was led by Srpska Lista's president, Goran Rakic, who said that his party would continue to seek justice.

"We will never give up asking for justice and today, right away, we will sent a letter to everyone, a letter to the international community, saying that it should send an investigative team and help Pristina [probe the case], if it is not capable of discovering [who killed Ivanovic]," Rakic said, Kossev news website reported.

Srpska Lista's vice-president Milan Radoicic was mentioned in the original indictment as being one of the alleged leaders of an "organised criminal group" that was behind the killing of Ivanovic. He denied any wrongdoing.

An hour after Srpska Lista's commemoration, Ivanovic's former colleagues, his first wife Marina Ivanovic and a small group of other friends marked his death in the same place.

Marko Jaksic, a former member of his party, wrote on Twitter that there were "not more than 20 of us, and we didn't want journalists there. Each of us wanted to go and light a candle for Oliver today."

Није нас било више од 20-так, и нисмо хтели новинаре. Свако од нас је хтео да данас оде и запали свећу за Оливера. На предлог његове законите жене Марине, прихватили смо да то урадимо, као његови пријатељи, познаници, колеге и суграђани.
Вечна ти слава Оливере!...

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