CNCAV: 7,987 people vaccinated against COVID in past 24 hours

A total of 7,987 doses of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have been administered in the past 24 hours, of which 4,737 representing the first dose and 3,250 the second dose, according to a report released by the National Committee for the Coordination of Activities on Vaccination against COVID-19 (CNCAV) on Sunday. As of December 27, 2020, since the beginning of the COVID vaccination campaign, 9,318,358 doses have been administered to 4,941,949 people, of whom 4,788,800 have been fully vaccinated. In the last 24 hours, four side effects have been reported. Since the start of the vaccination campaign, there have been 16,774 adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, 1,799 local and 14,975 general. AGERPRES (RO - author: Georgiana Tanasescu, editor: Diana Dumitru; EN - editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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