Emergency plans for super spread of COVID-19 Delta variant focus on crowded islands

Over the last few days, according to data released by the National Public Health Organisation, two young patients, one age 10 and the other 25, have died of COVID-19 and seven more are intubated.

A total of 91 patients in this age group have died since the start of the pandemic.

This data along with related projections has stirred concerns among scientists and crowding in popular islands is expected to worsen the situation.

Everyone realises that it is impossible to control the situation on the islands. There is little sense of individual responsibility and bars and night clubs are packed in the evening.

Many islands around the country are on the verge of having the same restrictions that were imposed on Mykonos as the number of COVID-19 cases is burgeoning. One sees ever more capsules for the transport of such cases to hospitals on the mainland.

The number of intubated cases is growing slowly but steadily as are hospital admissions. Today there were 172 intubated patients and 17 deaths from COVID-19.

Delta variant on the rise

There were 2,760 newly confirmed cases in the last 24 hours and that shows that the Delta variant of the virus in particular are on the rise, infecting mainly the unvaccinated and also children.

The highly transmissible Delta variant of the virus is carried by ship passengers who return from the islands to the mainland and will utilise cracks in the wall of immunity, which has not developed as one may have wished.

An internal document of the American Centre for Disease control explains the concern of public health authorities and the US government regarding the development of the pandemic.

The document, published by the Washington Post and the New York Times, paints...

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