Excavations start in Pompeiopolis

New season excavations have started in the ancient city of Pompeiopolis in the Taşköprü district of the northern province of Kastamonu.

The excavations in the ancient city of Pompeiopolis, the capital of the historical Paphlagonia region, located in the Zımbıllı Tepe location of the district, are headed by Bülent Ecevit University Archeology Department's Tayyar Gürdal with a team of 30 people from Italy and Poland, as well as Turkish archaeologists.

Speaking to the state-run Anadolu Agency, Gürdal said that the excavations will continue this year on the Roman villa built in the middle of the 3rd century.

"We have a Roman villa, one of the most prestigious buildings of the city. It dates to the middle of the 3rd century A.D. and continued to be used until the 11th century A.D. We will carry out excavation work on the main road that extends from the residential area to the public area of the city, which we found right next to the villa, on the remains of the street that we consider one of the main streets of the city. Our aim this year is to finish the excavation work in the villa and to finish the restoration work in the coming years," he added.



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