Taming the beast of artificial intelligence

'We need a lot more documentation, transparency, audits and monitoring to keep track of how these systems are built,' says artificial intelligence pioneer and 2019 co-winner of the prestigious Turing Award Yoshua Bengio. [Renaud Philippe/The New York Times]

Recently in the United States the case of a lawyer captured public attention, as he based his defense line on previous cases which, however, had not occurred. The lawyer admitted to receiving his references to these "nonexistent" cases through the use of artificial intelligence. This incident, along with others, alarmed the "fathers" of artificial intelligence, leading them to co-sign a second text prioritizing the risks posed by AI's infiltration into our lives.

Yoshua Bengio, a professor at the Department of Computer Science and Operations Research at the University of Montreal and one of the three "godfathers" of AI, explains in an interview with Kathimerini why humans are at risk due to the rapid development of "intelligent" machines, how these machines are becoming smarter than humans, and which parameters need to be considered when drafting the regulatory framework for...

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