Eris subvariant of Covid virus gaining ground

A man wearing a face mask to protect against coronavirus walks in Athens, Greece. [AP]

A new increase in Covid-19 hospitalizations and the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been recorded in Greece, with the EG.5 subvariant, or Eris, on the rise. 

In its weekly report on Thursday, the National Public Health Organization (EODY) noted that 563 patients were hospitalized with Covid-19 on August 7-13, which was almost 100 more than the week before.

The increase in prevalence is also supported by the results of testing by the National Wastewater Epidemiology Network, which showed an upward trend in the average weekly viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in urban wastewater in major cities around Greece. A marginal downward trend was observed in Attica.

Eris was identified in 16% of the samples in which genomic analysis was performed. In the analyses of the first week of August it was identified in 11% of samples, confirming the dynamic expansion of this...

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