‘New Democracy is a multifaceted party’

'Fredi Beleri must be sworn in as mayor of Himare, immediately released from prison and given a fair trial at the appellate level,' says Stavros Papastavrou of the jailed ethnic Greek official. 'Greece will continue to follow this matter closely.'  [Nikos Kokkalias]

There is an "invisible thread" connecting the conservative governments of Antonis Samaras (2012-2015) and the current administration of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, according to Minister of State Stavros Papastavrou, who served in the former as a member of the team negotiating with Greece's international creditors.

Speaking to Kathimerini, the New Democracy official outlines the government's plan for people with disabilities, which he helped draft, while sounding the alarm over the specter of far-right populism.

Papastavrou also talks about the ordeal of standing accused of financial crimes and being publicly pilloried by the opposition before being exonerated by a court of law.

Let's start with the political news: In recent months, the government has been confronted with reactions from various community groups, such as farmers and freelance professionals. Do...

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