Bulgaria Seeks to Improve Road Safety with Revised Traffic Light Ordinance

A new ordinance aimed at improving road safety by enhancing traffic light regulations has been drafted and released for public discussion by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Transport, as well as Regional Development and Public Works.

The proposed ordinance introduces several key changes to traffic light systems, including the addition of flashing yellow lights to increase driver attention when turning into conflict points. Specifically, drivers making left or right turns, where they need to yield to other road users such as trams, bicycles, or pedestrians, will encounter these flashing yellow lights.

Additionally, the ordinance outlines a new algorithm for determining the necessity of introducing separate permissive signals for cars making left turns. This algorithm utilizes traffic accident statistics and the ratio of conflicting flows at intersections as criteria for decision-making.

According to the project, if there have been more than three collisions involving cars moving straight and turning left at an intersection within the last 12 months, it warrants the implementation of a separate section of the traffic light for left turns.

Furthermore, the ordinance standardizes the size and type of traffic lights for regulating cyclist movement to reduce confusion for drivers. It also allows for the possibility of coloring traffic light poles and consoles yellow to improve visibility.

Other provisions include regulations on controlling traffic light controllers using centralized control software, combined regulation of pedestrians and cyclists to reduce the number of traffic lights used, and determining installation height and functionalities of pedestrian buttons.

Moreover, requirements are introduced...

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