Kharkiv Hypermarket Hit by Russian Guided Bombs: Many Feared Missing

A devastating event has occurred in Kharkiv, Ukraine, following a Russian strike reported by Ukrainian sources. A major construction hypermarket, "Epicenter," was hit by two guided aerial bombs. At the time of the attack, around 200 people were believed to be inside, according to the online publication "Gordon."

Currently, definitive numbers of casualties and injuries are unavailable. The "Unian" agency has confirmed two fatalities and 11 injuries so far.

Russians just hit an "Epicenter" hypermarket in Kharkiv with two "FAB" aerial bombs.
Deliberately on the weekday when lots of civilians are inside.
2 people confirmed killed, large number of people is missing and many are wounded. There is a big fire going on right now.

— Ihor Lachenkov (@igorlachenkov) May 25, 2024

Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov described the situation on Telegram, stating, "We have a large number of missing people. There are many injured. Obviously, the attack was in a shopping center where there were many people - this is pure terrorism."

‼️ Russia attacked a shopping mall in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv
"The strike was carried out on the shopping mall, where there were a lot of people - pure terrorism," the mayor of the city said.
A large number of people are reported missing. Preliminarily, the attack was…

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 25, 2024

The hypermarket is situated in a residential area. Kharkiv, being near the front line, has seen intensified Russian military activity in recent weeks. However, their advance appears to have been temporarily halted.

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