Qatar to express investment interest

[Dimitris Papamitsos/Prime Minister's Press Office/via AMNA]

The emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, is expected in Athens early next week for an official visit.

The visit comes after Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' trip to the emirate's capital, Doha, at the end of February and is part of the effort to bring the two countries closer together economically and diplomatically.

This was followed by the visit of Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis in April to the capital of Qatar, the first visit by a Greek minister there in five years.

At the same time, Kostas Fragogiannis, deputy minister of foreign affairs in charge of economic diplomacy and extroversion, and his staff, in cooperation with their counterparts in Qatar, have been trying all this time to put their economic relations on a new basis in order to remobilize investments from the rich Arab state.

Greeks remember a decade ago the attempt by...

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