Latest News from Bulgaria

Borissov's GERB Wins Bulgaria's Snap Parliamentary Election

The centre-right Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria, GERB, led by ex-Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, won the snap parliamentary polls on Sunday by a margin of 4 per cent from its closest rival, according to the first exit polls released by Bulgaria's main polling agencies - Alpha Research and Gallup International Balkan.

Volya's Leader Mareshki Ready for Negotiations with GERB

The leader of Volya, Varna businessman Veselin Mareshki has announced that they will enter negotiations for the forming of a government with that political party or those parties which will include the priorities of the movement - the fight against cartels and the fulfilment of the potential of young people in Bulgaria, stated Mareshki on bTV.

Reuters: Elections Test Bulgarians' Loyalties

Bulgarians are voting for snap, contentious parliamentary elections which are a test of their loyalty to their partners in the European Union, reported Reuters.

Contenders leading in popularity promise to continue Euro Atlantc policy or improve relations with Russia - even at the price of disappointing leading countries in the EU and creating another problem in Europe after Brexit.

Alpha Research: GERB Wins Vote, 6 Parties in Parliament

GERB has won the snap parliamentary elections with 5% of the votes ahead of the second largest political formation BSP.

The 44th Parliament will include six formations, while the coalition Reformist Bloc - Glas Naroden is on the verge of the 4% threshold, showed data of sociological agency Alpha Research based on exit poll surveys at voting sections.

GERB Wins Bulgaria's Snap Elections

GERB has won the snap parliamentary elections for the 44th Parliament with 32.8% ahead of its main opponent BSP - 28.4%, reported BGNES, citing exit poll data.

The new Parliament will also include the United Patriots - 8.8%, DPS - 7.7%, Volya - 4.6%. The Reformist Bloc is on the verge - 3.8%.

Tension Over Declarations Among Voters in Turkey's Bursa Continues

There are queues and tension during the snap elections in voting sections in Turkey.

In Bursa, where there are traditionally a huge number of people wishing to vote, the eelction process was halted for about ten minutes when voters burst into the building.

Voting Process in Australia, New Zealand Now Over

The Central Election Committee reports that the voting day in New Zealand and Australia is now over. The average turnout in Bulgaria was 25.31% at 1 pm. The highest level of participation so far has been registered in the Sofia District - 31.37%.

Bulgarians Abroad Voting in 70 Countries

The Bulgarians residing abroad may cast their ballot today in a total of 371 polling stations across 70 countries, announced BNR.

There are 101 fewer stations in Turkey, compared to the 2014 election, as their number for states outside the EU now shouldn't exceed 35, according to the law.

Voter Turnout by 10 a.m. Stands at 8.44%

Voter turnout in Sunday's early parliamentary elections in Bulgaria was 8.44% as at 10 a.m., the Central Election Commission reported.

A total of 574,657 people had cast their ballots by that time.

Turnout was highest in Smolyan, at 11.37 % (12,092 people), and lowest in Plovdiv, at 4.79%.

Election Day in Bulgaria is Going on Normally

The interior ministry reports that the election is going on normally and with no excessive events that could endanger the common voting process, according to BNR.

Latest data of the Central Election Committee show that a total of 6,810,336 Bulgarians have the right to vote today.
