Latest News from Turkey

Water issues with northern Cyprus

A suspended water pipeline carrying fresh water in abundance to Cyprus from Turkey could be considered far bigger than anything else that has happened in the recent history of the island, including the Turkish intervention. Every drop of water pouring into the dam lake in northern Cyprus is like a precious gem generously presented by Turkey.

Russian risk pressing Turkey's economy

Something that everybody managed to avoid during the Cold War has now happened. On Nov. 24, Turkey became the first NATO country to shoot down a Russian plane in 62 years. All of a sudden, Turkey became enemies with its most important neighbor and one of its biggest trade partners. 

EU makes fresh commitment for opening of five chapters

The European Union has provided a commitment to Ankara to launch necessary procedures on five accession chapters whose opening is currently under veto by Greek Cyprus, in a bid to deliver on promises recently given to Turkey, the Hürriyet Daily News has learned. 

Politicians must publicize their property declarations

In 114 of the 156 countries of the world, politicians have to make a declaration of their property regularly. We are among the 55 countries where declarations of property are not open to public scrutiny.  

Turco-Russian confrontation: A hot debate in Greece

Greece has been watching developments in the recent Russia-Turkey row with increased concern. Although the Alexis Tsipras government has not been able to give a new impetus to relations between Athens and Moscow as anticipated, historical affinities with the "blond nation from the north" - as Russia is known in popular Greek mythology - have come to the fore since the downing of the Russian Su-

What are we doing in Mosul?

If Turkey has reinforced its troops in Mosul with the secret intention of gaining land, then it means it has launched a very dangerous venture. 

If there is no such thing and it has only strengthened its units that are already there for training and intelligence in agreement with coalition countries, then it has done a correct and legitimate act. 

Turkish base in Iraq targets Mosul's liberation from ISIL

The Turkish military training base near the Bashiqa district of Mosul, north of Iraq, was first established with the final aim of liberating Mosul from the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). A total of 2,044 people, half of them Iraqi Kurdish fighters, have been trained there since March 2015, according to ranking official Turkish sources.

Turkey fury over Russian soldier holding weapon on warship

Turkey accused Russia of a “provocation” on Sunday after a a Russian soldier on the deck of a naval ship allegedly held a rocket launcher on his shoulder while the vessel passed through Istanbul, according to Reuters.

Turkish artist Bedri Baykam holds protest for Palestinian poet

Turkish artist Bedri Baykam held a press conference on Dec. 7 to protest Saudi Arabia's recent decision to sentence Palestinian poet Ashraf Fayadh to death.

Baykam, the president of the International Art Association (IAA), held the conference at Piramid Sanat in Istanbul's Taksim neighborhood to raise awareness about the impending execution.

Two arrested Turkish journalists apply to Constitutional Court for release

Cumhuriyet editor-in-chief Can Dündar and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gül, who were arrested on Nov. 26 for their report on weapons-filled Turkish intelligence trucks bound for Syria in early 2014, have applied to the Constitutional Court for release. 

German-origin businessman seized in UAE over Istanbul murder case

A German-origin businessman has been seized by Interpol in the United Arab Emirates on suspicion of the premeditated murder of an Egyptian-origin businessman in Istanbul in 2013. 

The killing is thought to have taken place after a disagreement over grain trade worth $14 million.

EU launches Film Days in Turkey to promote human rights

The European Union will mark this year's Human Rights Day with movies addressing individual rights, human dignity and the experiences of a varied group of people, bringing 33 documentaries to audiences in Ankara between Dec 7 and 20 and in Istanbul between Dec. 9 and 18.

"2015 has been a challenging year for upholding human rights in both Turkey and the European Union.

Turkish, German leaders discuss Syria, refugee crisis

Top Turkish and German leaders have discussed the upcoming mini-summit that will take place between Turkey and eight EU countries on Dec. 17 in Brussels, where they will discuss how to best handle the growing refugee crisis. 

Actor Morgan Freeman in plane scare: Reports

Morgan Freeman was in for a scare Dec. 5 when his plane experienced problems and had to make an unexpected landing that damaged the aircraft but left the Oscar winner unscathed, reports said.
