Petro Poroshenko

New President of Ukraine Confirmed Commitments to Open School with Advanced Study of Bulgarian Language

The new president of Ukraine, Volodomir Zelensky, has confirmed a commitment to open a school with advanced study of the Bulgarian language, Deputy Prime Minister Mariana Nikolova said during a regular government meeting, Focus News Agency reports.

Ukrainians in Balkans Voted for Losing Candidate Poroshenko

Presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelensky (centre) after the announcement of an exit poll on Sunday. Photo: EPA/Tatyana Zenkovich.

Expatriate Ukrainians in Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Croatia and Montenegro mostly voted on Sunday for a second presidential term for Petro Poroshenko, who was defeated in a landslide by comedian and TV star Volodymyr Zelensky.

Poroshenko suffers massive defeat in Ukraine election

However, according to Sputnik, Zelensky, who has not even yet taken office, has already "fired" shots across Russia's bow by saying his first task as the new president of Ukraine would be to secure the release of military prisoners who have been in Russian custody after the Kerch Strait incident last year.

Vucic starts his "Future of Serbia" campaign/VIDEO

In that city he attended the presentation of projects supporting Serbia's development through the program "Norway for You."

The goal of the project is to contribute to a balanced socio-economic development in Serbia through increasing employment opportunities, especially of vulnerable and marginalized groups in 91 local self-governments.
