Diyarbak?r's cultural richness to be protected at new center

An academic center for the restoration and protection of cultural items has been established by Dicle University in the southeastern province of Diyarbak?r. The purpose of the center is to give academic and scientific support to cultural structures, especially in Diyarbak?r and the surrounding region.

Parts of the city of Diyarbak?r are like an open-air museum, with historical walls that are a candidate for the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Ulu Mosque, which is seen as the fifth Temple Mount of the world of Islam, the Ongözlü Bridge, and the Ziya Gökalp and Cahit S?tk? Taranc? Museum, as well as many others.

The Center for the Protection, Application and Research of Cultural Items, which was established by the senate of Dicle University, will play an active role in the protection and restoration of cultural and historical sites, while also providing academic support. The center also aims to give education to various occupational groups and train qualified staff.

Associate Professor Neslihan Dalk?l?ç
says many historical structures in
Diyarbak?r, including the city walls,
have not been restored appropriately
for years, and the new center will fill
this gap.

Associate Professor Neslihan Dalk?l?ç, of the Dicle University Architecture Faculty?s Department of Restoration, said many historical structures in the city had not been restored appropriately for years, and the center university has been established to fill this gap.

Dalk?l?ç said the faculty of the university had attempted in the past to follow the restoration processes in the city but from now on, they will have official status to participate in those projects.

?We have a protection and restoration center for each project on...

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