We will cooperate with anyone who thinks Memorandum is catastrophic, says SYRIZA spokesperson

SYRIZA spokesperson Olga Gerovasili talked at Parapolitika radio station and stated “We will cooperate with anyone who believes that memorandum is catastrophic. The neoliberal approach imposed through it, the wrong recipe provided to the country was disastrous not only judging by the results but from the moment the memorandum was imposed as policy”.

Trying to describe the cooperation framework she said that “we should have a common understanding towards the harsh neoliberal policy that was imposed on Europe and Greece as an experiment using the cruelest way. Secondly, if we cooperate with others, we must share common beliefs on the privatization of PPC, wages, pensions, massive layoffs in the private sector, labor rights, social security system”, adding that that “They should have raised the issue of Greek debt relief”.

In this context, she characterized the proposal of ND, PASOK and POTAMI party for a “national unity government” a big fraud arguing that it would lead to a national disaster.

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