Obama welcomes Syrian scientist, a refugee from Istanbul

Photo Credit: Humans of New York (HONY) Facebook Page

In Obama's words, the sick Syrian scientist and his family will be supported with compassion by the great people of Michigan? It's not that we lack compassion, supportiveness or greatness here - only we have to divide it by 2 millionDear Mr. Barack Obama, 

It is such a romantic gesture that you have embraced the unnamed Syrian "scientist" (Oh, wait, he is named now, Refaai Hamo) and have welcomed him and his family into your country. 

Somehow Turkey is never good for anyone, Mr. Obama. We cannot offer the circumstances your country is offering to him. It is such a happy-ending story that he now is settling in suburban Oakland County, in Michigan I guess. 

Don't get me wrong, sir, I'm not complaining. I love my country and I have no wish to migrate to the U.S.

How can I explain it, Mr. Obama? I mean, of course you can understand it but the average American would have difficulty understanding. 

In Turkey, we have around 2 million Syrian refugees. They have been coming since the beginning of the conflict in 2012. We never had the time or the system (or the wit) to count them. We opened our borders and they came pouring in. We are hospitable people. But I'm talking about 2 million, sir, TWO million. 

In my home city, Istanbul, it is estimated that there are 330,000 Syrian refugees who all need accommodation, food, health care, education, employment, legal counseling, etc., the list is long? Not that we have solved all these issues for our own resident citizens?

You wrote last week on Humans of New York's (HONY) Facebook page, Mr. Obama, commenting on the Syrian scientist's post, "As a husband and a father, I cannot even begin to imagine the loss you've endured? I know that the great people of...

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