Gov't to sound out next US administration at NY event

The 18th annual Greek Investor Forum takes place on December 12 at the Metropolitan Club of New York, organized by Capital Link in association with the New York Stock Exchange. Guest of honor at the event will be Wilbur Ross, senior financial adviser to the new president and future secretary of commerce.

A sizable section of Greece's cabinet will be attending the event, including Economy Minister Dimitris Papadimitriou, his alternate Alexandros Haritsis, Alternate Finance Minister Giorgos Houliarakis, Energy Minister Giorgos Stathakis and Tourism Minister Elena Kountoura.

Besides Ross, a considerable number of US economic and investment community members will also be present. Among the foreign investment banks expected to participate through the presence of their officials will be Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, Citi, UBS, Credit Suisse and Bank of America...

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