Opposition party blasts PM Tsipras over amendment in parliament (video)

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras and the leader of major opposition party New Democracy (ND), Kyriakos Mitsotakis, clashed in Parliament, Friday over the controversial amendment introduced into a bill at the last minute Thursday that allowed the exemption of civil liability for cases of smuggling for entrepreneurs with out of court settlemnets. Mr. Mitsotakis blasted the Greek PM calling on him to withdraw the amendment. “I personally call on you to protect the prestige of the Parliament, I call on you to tell the PM to withdraw the amendment”, he said. On his part, Mr. Tsipras attacked the leader of ND stressing that his party should be in favour of the amendment since he professes to support entrepreneurship. Mr. Mistotakis wondered whether the government had introduced the specific amendment to protect particular business interests.


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