Deputy Prime Minister Simeonov Presented Bulgaria to Investors and Representatives of Institutions from China

Source: Twitter

Deputy Prime Minister Valeri Simeonov took part in the Chinese Investment Forum "16 + 1" in Prague, presenting the advantages of Bulgaria to a delegation of investors and institutional representatives from China. Reported by Republic of Bulgaria Council of Ministers. 

The Forum brings together the countries of Central and Eastern Europe with China, aiming to strengthen and create even more dynamic dialogue and even more intense and widespread development of trade and economic relations between the two regions

Valeri Simeonov presented Bulgaria as a country that has the key factors needed for the development of successful business and investment projects: financial and macroeconomic stability, favorable tax regime, predictable and stable rules for doing business, as well as highly qualified specialists. Deputy Prime Minister emphasized on the rapid development of the relations between our country and China - for ten years, Bulgarian exports to the Asian nation have grown six times, making it the second most important trading partner outside the European Union.

Bulgaria sees the prospect of even more intensive development of the investment process between the two countries, expects Chinese investments in sectors such as telecoms and agriculture to be expanded to the logistics and transport sectors, machine building, outsourcing, information technology, and so on. 

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