The Average Salary in Facebook is over $ 240,000 a Year

Source: Twitter

Facebook employees earned over $ 240,000 last year, while total compensation for CEO Mark Zuckerberg exceeded $ 8.8 million, Wall Street Journal reported, quoted by Investor. The information comes from the official financial data of the leading social network for 2017.

Zuckerberg's total wage has reached $ 8,852,366, which is about 37 times higher than the average wage of his subordinates. As of now, Mark Zuckerberg's basic salary for 2017 was only $ 1, and he does not receive bonuses or other rewards. Meanwhile, 33-year-old billionaire security and travel costs have risen by as much as 54 percent to about $ 8.85 million last year when he took a tour of 30 of the US states.

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