Greece seen improving in terms of brain business employment

Greece is experiencing a rise in employment at companies that are reliant on brain power, according to a report by the European Center for Policy Reform and Entrepreneurship (ECEPR).

Its latest report, titled "The Geography of Europe's Brain Business Jobs," which is aimed at businesses and investors deciding where to locate or invest, shows that 231,593 individuals were employed in highly knowledge-intensive companies in Greece in 2016. This constitutes a 3.75 percent rise from 2014, when 223,284 people worked at such firms.

In 2016, 3.6 percent of Greece's working-age population worked in brain business jobs, up from 3.4 percent in 2014. Despite this improvement, Greece remains in 29th position out of the 31 countries surveyed. Cyprus ranks 26th with a 3.9 percent rate.

ECEPR, a think tank supported by NC Advisory AB, an adviser to the Nordic Capital funds,...

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