Pyatt: Deeping US-Greece relationship has strong bipartisan support in Washington

US Ambassador to Athens Geoffrey Pyatt has hailed the launching of the Strategic Dialogue between the United States and Greece as capping a year of historic progress in relations between the two NATO allies, while emphasizing that the strengthening of bilateral ties enjoys cross-party support.

"Deeping the US-Greece relationship has strong bipartisan support in the United States," Pyatt said during a late Tuesday event on Greece's geopolitical role and Greek-American relations that was hosted by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).

Speaking of the US-Greece Strategic Dialogue, which was launched by (then alternate) Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos and US Secretary Michael Pompeo, Pyatt said that the process "elevated and institutionalized our relationship in  a manner consistent with how many of the embassy's long-time friends have...

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